I Am A Camera
Porchlight Music Theatre
Written by: John Van Druten
Directed by: Nate Cohen
Rehearsals: January-February 2023
Performances: February 8 & 9, 2023
I was a part of Porchlight Music Theatre's production of I Am A Camera, serving as one of the Assistant Stage Managers. This production was part of Porchlight's "Revisits" series that is a short-run production that accompanies their mainstage production. This show served as a companion to Porchlight's production of Cabaret. This meant that we had an extremely limited rehearsal period while still having full technical elements.

Since we had only had 2 weeks of rehearsals before our performances, it was imperative that all necessary elements were tracked properly. I spent a lot of time making sure that all scenic elements, props, and costumes were accounted for. I also tracked all props in the show, creating a preliminary list and working with the production staff to update it as we cut or added props and were given rehearsal/real props to us (see below for portion of prop list). Each scene had significant transitions, so it was really important to track what needed to happen in the transition and assigning a person. Sometimes this involved both the cast and crew completing transitions, but we made it all work and made sure everything was clear and went smoothly. Above is a portion of the main tracking plot that the stage management team used throughout the process.

Photo Credit: Porchlight Music Theatre

While we only had a short amount of time, we were able to make it through the process smoothly and efficiently. We had another assistant stage manager join us when we moved to the performance space, so I also had to catch them up on the backstage track and what needed to be done during each transition. It was a really informative process about how to work collectively to make something happen and keep a project moving forward. We had a lot of fun building this show together and it was exciting to see all our hard work pay off during our performances.